Weekly Corbally Summer Challenge 2021

Everything trip related goes here, everything related to on-the-water stuff.

Moderator: Rian O Connell

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I'm really out of my shell
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Will be hosting a weekly Corbally challenge every Friday this summer. The goal is that by the end of the summer your time will be a bit better than the start. You'll be set off in groups of similar speed as you and timed from the jetty/ramp to Corbally and back.

Use whatever boat you want, but try and make it the same boat every time. Or at least don't change boat very often, we want to see improvements over the summer and it'll be pretty difficult to see improvements if you change boat every time.

Obviously for the moment you'll have to use all your own gear and we'll be limited to 15 people max. We'll have as many people sign up here initially and then do a weekly interest poll which will be first come first serve.

First Friday Corbally challenge will be 4th June. Who's in
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I'm really out of my shell
Posts: 91
Joined: Wed Mar 22, 2017 10:45 pm

Forgot I'm going to Dublin this for a week. Paddling challenge will start in June 👐
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