Our Club
ULKC is based in the University of Limerick. The aim of the Kayak Club is to introduce UL students to the many facets of kayaking. Over 300 students join the kayak club each year and of those, more than a quarter choose to continue active involvement in the club. That number doesn’t include the active group of associated paddlers such as all the OFB’s, the social members (people who don’t paddle but go on trips) and our external members. The club is affiliated with the Canoeing Ireland and the International Canoe Federation.
Sign up for Trips / Nights-Out
Our club forum is where you will find out about all our club activities; including river trips, social events, and any announcements to be made in regards to the club. We even have an app!! Download ‘Tapatalk’ and search for UL Kayak once you’re registered to keep updated on your phone.


Long Distance


Upcoming Events
Follow Us
Our Instagram
Stay up to date with what ULKC are up to with our social media
How to Join !
To join to the club you must register and request membership from the UL Wolves Website. The form is quick and easy to do. Once completed just contact one of our committee members to activate your membership. Then let the fun begin.
Also don’t forget to register on our Forum, to stay up to date on Trips, Meetings and all things ULKC.
Our Blog
Rollin’ on the River
University of Limerick Kayak Club, or ULKC as its commonly known, was founded nearly 43 years ago by a group of friends who loved to kayak. Since then the club has gone from strength to strength, and is now one of UL’s largest clubs. Every year around 250 students...
Pool Party
Check it out.... Not to be missed
Scotland 2018
Sign Up for our Scotland 2018 Trip NOW... Closing Date is 29th November 2017
Munster Polo League
Sign Up for Munster Polo League. Everyone welcome !
Level 2 Skills Assessment
We are running a Level 2 Assessment next week. Check this out for more info
Big Surprise !!
Thursday 12th, week 6, we are having our big surprise event. This is a non-kayaking trip out but thats all I cant say because the details of this trip are being kept top secret. We will be meeting outside the Stables at 18:30 and being taken off to our unknown...
Club Olympics 2017
Check it out on the forums...
2017 Alps Video – Check this out !!
Unreal edit of this year's 3 week trip to the Alps by Daragh Heff! Definitely a trip to remember. If you like what you see from watching this video, then come join ULKC! You can sign up at our pool sessions every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 9:45pm-10:45pm in...
Take Me to the River
University of Limerick Kayak Club, or ULKC as its commonly known, was founded nearly 43 years ago by a group of friends who loved to kayak. Since then the club has gone from strength to strength, and is now one of UL’s largest clubs. Every year around 250 students...
Pool Sessions
We run Pool Sessions every week Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights at 9:45-10:45pm in the UL Sport Arena 50m Pool for beginners , intermediate and advanced paddlers. Come along any night and learn something new be it learn to capsize, roll or even learn some...