2014 Club Champs
Canoeing Ireland Club Championships 2014 – A roaring success for the club placing third overall. Photo Cred goes to the Kilkenny Recreation Partnership.
Canoeing Ireland Club Championships 2014 – A roaring success for the club placing third overall. Photo Cred goes to the Kilkenny Recreation Partnership.
River Clean Up 2014 – Our annual river clean up occurred on the 26th April 2014 with many of our members taking part.
Poolympics 2014 – Picture taken mid ‘chariot racing’. A night filled with fun and games, followed by the random prize-giving after.
Alps Trip 2014 – Quoted as the “best Alps trip so far”.. watch out 2015!
Pre-Alps Training Day Selfie – Great efforts put in my members on the Castleconnell in preparation for the 2014 Alps trip.